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Caitlyn Jenner, What Makes You A Woman?


Caitlyn Jenner, we as women are honored that an athletic, wealthy, man decided to publicly admire the woman so much that you want to become one, honestly it is an honor.

With that said, actually attempting to become a woman is actually a slap to the face. We, women have been working very hard at changing, society's outdated view on women's sexuality, body and overall image.

We have been slowly but surley have been progressing over centuries, with a goal, to be treated equally in comparison to men. Yet, in the workfield we get paid less for doing the same job as a male co-worker, in school, young girls have stricter dress code than the boys do, so they dont provoke or distract other students from learning, and the words you throw, run, act, dress,talk... LIKEe A GIRL is still an insult at playgrounds.

So one would think that when a man decides to become a woman that we would cheerfully accept them, and bring them intoour "women world".... But.. You, Caitlyn Jenner, have made questionable comments about being a woman, and specifically about your sexuality as a woman, if I remember correctly something amongst the lines of " "IF" I am indeed a woman, then I am a lesbian..."

That made me think... If not sexuality, nor anatomy, then, what is it that makes you think you have the right to call yourself a woman???

Is it that you changed your name? Had a breast augmentation? That you wear make up and a dress?

I ask because you still talk like a man, and you still are sexually attracted to women, so the only thing that has changed is your physique, and your first name.

So my point here is, that what do you "think" makes a woman?

An IMAGE, the very same "image" we women have been trying to change all this time?

Let me tell you how a REAL Woman knows she's a woman

The very first indication is a period and anatomy, the ONE major thing that sets us apart from men is that we can reproduce - Which you can't Secondly, it is our nurturing compassion, as women we "feel" differently than men do, we understand and listen and instinctually communicate with people, we have a natural, born given gift as women that allows us to be more understanding - Which you dont. Lastley, we understand that being a woman is alot deeper than the makeup we wear or the way we dress up, we are the backbone to our family we build it, and support it, we are what our men lack, ( you know that spare rib?) - Which you are not.

So therefore, the only conclusion is that you are NOT a woman, and even if you have all the "parts sewn on" and the outter shell that looks like a woman, this does not actually make you anything else than a man playing dress up.

So Thank you for admiring, but please stop contributing to the idea that what makes us women is a nice dress, boobs, and make up, becuase there's so much more to us than what you are portraying to be.

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