Please meet Jessica, she is a woman I have been lucky to know for over 16 years. I reached out to her specifically because she's the prime example of a good woman she is a Hardworking Hairstylist, a mom, a loving wife, and an overall good person. Jessica and I met in 5th grade, we had a group of friends, and years later, over childish disagreements, we ended our friendship. However, over the years we both came to reconnect, and as I learn about Jessica "the grown- up version", I can't help but admire her mind, soul, and person. Women need to bring other women up, and she does that on a consistent basis so here is her Mini Biography to highlight the wonderful person that she is, how she beats a disease on a daily basis with her faith, how bullying affected her growing up, and how she overcomes any obstacles presented while remaining positive.
- Mary Saenz
My name is Jessica, I am a Las Vegas native. I am happily married and with 2 beautiful babies. My husband is my high school sweet heart, and we have been married for 4 years, I have a 2 ½ year old son and a baby girl who is almost a mere 10 months old. They are my everything! They keep me going and because of them I'm a better person.
I was bullied through elementary school, middle school and high school and I had a low self-esteem, I was extremely shy and allowed people to step all over me. However, I now know that certain situations will reveal who your real friends and those who will always be there for you no matter how often you talk.
I used to feel like why me!?! I used to have asthma and now I have Hashimotos!
At 10 years old I was rushed to the hospital due to asthmas attacks. To this day, I remember my face turning purple and the feeling of not being able to breathe. I was hospitalized for over a week. It was some of the most horrible experiences ever. I felt lonely, I lost a lot of weight and I constantly saw my parents worried for me.
The Hashimotos disease, doesn't run in the family, doctors aren't sure why some people have it. It could be due to traumatic events or being under deep stress for long periods of time, which I think is why it occurred to me. About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimotos, it is a thyroid disease. I was told it will progress, and that I have to take medicine for the rest of my life. At times I get very depressed, I feel lost, emotional and anxiety takes over, I'll have mood swings. The list goes on and on. This diagnosis and its medicine comes with all kinds of symptoms and it makes it difficult for people to understand what I'm feeling or going through at times
Hashimotos makes it difficult for a woman to become pregnant, doctors warned that in order to have a family, I’d have to be on the right medication dosage, and I now consider both my babies, miracle babies.
My family always comes first! They are my world, my joy. I'm complete! Because of them, I'm actually more positive now. For years, when I used to be so negative and easily angered over the slightest things.
Before I got married to my hard-working husband, I would go to church with my family, and now that I'm married I honestly haven't gone to church in years but there are times I drive by and cry there as I enter church. With that said, I still have my faith and I feel it stronger than ever before. I talk to God more, I feel his presence. During my conversations with him, I sometimes feel "chills" and that tells me he's there listening to me...
Last year was one of the most difficult years I’ve had, the only positive thing about it was my princess being born. I had never let myself get that low before.
But when you hit a new low, you come across people that will help you see things completely different. Those people helped me believe in myself most importantly the experience has helped me be a better person. I have faith, and I believe in God because I've witnessed miracles happen. I pray with all my heart and learned that when you least expect something or when you are in the verge of giving up, he sends you signs, and then that miracle that you've been waiting for happens.
In the beginning of 2017, I promised myself to change my way of thinking and just allow myself to be happy. Because life is just so beautiful. There's so much to be thankful for daily. I know there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and I've learned to always keep my head up and understand that everything happens for a reason. I've learned to forgive and forget. It's not good to hold resentment towards anyone or take some things too serious.
I value myself now more than ever. I am 100% different from the person I once was. I learned things the hard way, but what's important is to never try to make the same mistake again. I now go about my day and think positively. Because you have the power to overcome anything, and to heal your own body with positive thoughts. So that's what I'm in the process of. And let me tell you if feels so good!
Just be happy for what you have! Miracles happen! Just keep that faith strong and believe you can become the person you've always wanted to be. God is good. Thank you!