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Chakras Explained

1. Muladhara (Root Chakra) - Red food, sleep, sex, and self-preservation 2. Svadhisthana (Sacral Chakra) - Orange creativity, emotions, sexual energy, and the unconscious 3. Manipura (Navel Chakra)- Yellow personal power 4. Anahata (Heart Chakra)- Green peace, love, and openness, unconditional love 5. Vishuddha (Throat Chakra)-Blue authentic self-expression 6. Ajna (Third-Eye Chakra) - Indigo intuition, vision, prophecy, imagination, inner knowing, and self-assurance 7. Sahasrara (Crown Chakra)- Purple (or White / Gold) divine energy, higher self, pure consciousness

Chakras Explained "Short Cut" Kind of a short cut, ha! who am I kidding lol.

First and foremost you should know that your Chakras are described as colorful spheres located in specific areas of our bodies. They are highly sensitive to our external environment and our inner state (feeling/ thoughts) you can think of them as the tunnels or passageways between whats going on the outside and the inside.

Because of this, I am purposely avoiding discussing what negatively affects them . Why you ask? Because.. if I tell you that your throat Chakra is closed and you believe me, that within itself has the potential to actually close your throat Chakra. So lets counter that by saying all your Chakras are open and balanced at the moment. ;-)

So just a little history, I first learned to align my Chakras in 2009, believe it or not I learned it in college from my social studies professor. He was a strong believer in clearing his energy before starting a lecture and a quick Chakra Meditation was his favorite way to do it. So a group of us practiced with him before class twice a week. We'd sit in a quiet classroom and focus our energies starting from out toes all the way up to our heads. Each time moving our hands from one area to another to ensure the energy was balanced throughout our bodies rather than concentrated in a specific area .

For a whole semester I got to dedicate specific time to clear my energies. It was the single most useful thing I learned in community college. No Sarcasm. This has been a huge part of my life. So after that, I practiced on myself when I remember too and then on others and sometimes even with their permission lol. Disclaimer #AlwaysHaveGoodIntentions. Trust me!!!

Alright, so as you'll see above, I took the liberty to color coordinate the Chakras name with the picture that shows you where each is located. A good tip to remember is we want to eat foods that represent these colors. Think of these colors visualize things in nature that are those colors (i.e visualize a strawberry, an orange, a pineapple etc etc etc) simple technique that will remind you of these centers. That's probably the easiest thing we can do on a daily basis.

The point is to align colors feelings sounds with each Chakra to keep that pathway clear and open. Which in turn keeps you aligned balanced and open to receiving positive energies and experiences associated with that Chakra.

What else..? Umm, when practicing Chakra meditation, it's wise to picture each color as you move through each one..I am thinking I could possibly write out a meditation practice with step by step instruction but for now, if you youtube it you can find guided meditations that do that for you -- literally all you have to do is follow along.

I think that's all I have at the moment please feel free to contact me with questions or comments I love to hear from you guys!

Sending love! Thanks!

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