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A little about us.....

We are sisters, born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada.

We were both born with our gifts and did not ask for them. And after years of developing our gifts we realized they came with a responsibility to help others. We only use our abilities to enhance peoples lives in a positive way and combat negative energies by using our gifts to identify the spirit/ entity and ridding of it by using traditional rituals passed down for generations. 

Jenny is the younger of the two, she was born with the  gift of seeing spirits that have passed. She knew of her gift even before she could talk and has had countless experiences with spirits. She is a clairvoyant and can assist with helping them move on if they are willingly or unknowingly stuck . Additionally, although it's not her favorite task, she is able to distinguish passed spirits from demonic entities and with the help of her sister get  rid of such entities. She believes that helping people move on helps both the living and the dead and is grateful that she can assist both by using her gift.

Mary is the eldest of both sisters, she realized she was an empath early in life through difficult life experiences she learned that she has the ability to absorb and feel the energies of those around her as if they were her own. Additionally, she has dedicated herself to learning natural remedies that help both the physical and spiritual realms.

She believes that the power of plant properties, well oxygenated areas and balanced vibrations are essential to a healthy well rounded life.


M     J

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